I always used to love the "If I had an unlimited credit card" part of the blogs I follow the most...
So, this is my blog - filled with stuff I would buy with my - or let's say - Martin's credit card.
A much more realistic scenario, as I'm always broke!
For those who don't know Martin: He's not just sexy, he's funny too!

Freitag, 25. November 2011

Gold, Gold, Gold !!!

Winter and Christmas always makes me want to wear gold! 

C H R I S T M A S B A B Y !


The earrings are from DeLatori - I found them on Couture Zappos as well as the bangel of Kate Spade New York... !

Love these two pieces :-))

Well, in case of doubt what to buy me for Christmas... there you go... !!!!

Bisou Bisous

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