I always used to love the "If I had an unlimited credit card" part of the blogs I follow the most...
So, this is my blog - filled with stuff I would buy with my - or let's say - Martin's credit card.
A much more realistic scenario, as I'm always broke!
For those who don't know Martin: He's not just sexy, he's funny too!

Montag, 19. September 2011

If you have a nice brother...


And he's as talented and nice as Giles brother seems to be... your lucky !
Go and start your own business....
Apparently it can lead to something good...

(Just saying apparently because my brother is a hell of a lazy guy... nice ... but lazy !)

Anyways, these are my three favourit items form their onlineshop... and yes, they have so much more to offer...

There you go ->

Gute Nacht...
Tut nichts was ich nicht auch tun würde!

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